- Do not you buy for your father? This is suit-dress, my baby! 欣:你不是要买给爸爸吗?宝贝,这是女装耶!
- Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. 你们不可效法他们,因为你们没有祈求以先,你们所需用的,你们的父早已知道了。
- Why do not you buy a street map ? 你为什么不买一张路线图呢?
- Why do not you buy a street map? 你为什么不买一张路线图呢?
- Why do not you go for a walk ? It will give you an appetite for your lunch . 你怎么不出去散散步?散散步午饭时就有食欲了。
- Do not you think we'd leave for the concert now? 您不认为我们现在该出发去听音乐会了吗?
- You do not wait for your brother,do you? 你不是在等候你兄弟,对吗?
- You displease your father when you do not obey him . 当你不服从你父亲时,你就会使他不高兴。
- You do not have a schema for your XML data. 您没有对应于您的XML数据的架构。
- Emilia. Do not you chide; I have a thing for you. 爱米利娅不要骂;我有一件好东西给你。
- Do not always argue with your father. 不要总和你的父亲吵架。
- Say, do not you think Miss Kong is using the phone too much for personal call? 喂,你不觉得孔小姐的私人电话打得太多吗?
- Please do not talk to your father like that,dear. 亲爱的,别跟父亲这样说话。
- Why do not you give your parcel to me to carry ? 你为什么不把你的包裹交给我替你带呢?
- Do not you think it good for her to is on a diet? 你认为她吃减肥食谱好吗?
- Please do not talk to your father like that dear. 亲爱的,别跟父亲这样说话。
- Why do not you come over to England for a holiday ? 你怎么不到英国来度假呢?
- Do not interrupt your father in his talk . 不要打断你父亲的谈话。
- Why do not you come up to Scotland for a few days ? 你怎么不北上到苏格兰来住几天?
- Do not interrupt your father in his talk. 不要打断你父亲的谈话。